There has been a raging debate online on whether a pastor should open a bar or not. Pastor Sean had this to say:
Perfect Moses I think the “known” is based on the ‘lies’ taught us in churches or by our so called leaders who they themselves run brothels, illegal businesses, money laundering etc but come to the podium and tell us we should not do this or that without any scripture reference but man made doctrine.
So it develops a certain understanding and inclination in us. But when you free yourself from such indoctrination and start studying GOD and Scriptures on your own… you will be free indeed.
You open a salon and mah_re ese ndomaanouya achigadzirwa kuti aende kunoh_ra. Are you a catalyst? Same you open a Lodge and mah_re aye ouya kuzo booker. Are you a catalyst? Same you open a club and same mah_re aye ouya odhakwa 0kechew@. Are you a catalyst? Same you open a pharmacy mah_re aye and many another come to buy c_nd_ms, morning after pills etc are you a catalyst.
Hapana scripture reference inorambidza muKristu kuita business reClub, Bhawa, Lodge, even Escorts. Ndochokwadi. Same as Hapana verse inotaura nezvekubhema fodya kuchiisa munhu mugehena.
Our conscience are lined or crafted towards a certain teaching. Question is, Was the teaching you got correct.
Vanhu varikunyeberana kuma church uko busy sanitizing zvenhando but refusing others to do the same.
On the other hand others had this to say:
Sean Naboth let’s say murimuparidzi , murikuda kuparidza ma clients enyu eku bhawa akateerera. Muchaparidza here 1 Corinthians 6 , inoti
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
As a business person , une bhawa at the same time urikuda Ku paridza kingdom of Heaven , hazvizobude kuti massage yako inzwisisike nekuti haungaparidzi vhangeri rinobvisa ma clients Ku bussiness rako.
A true Christian shouldn’t live on anything that is not righteous.
Most Christians are in church to apologize to God for sinning. Life should never leave u with no other option for survival. We can’t justify something bad for good.
Live on God’s ways, the reward is coming.
Source H26