A madala from Soweto could not live without his life and k!ll3d himself shortly after she d!3d The man’s wife passed away and was bur!3d on 23 March, and her husband c0mmitt3d s_ic!d3 one week later The story left South Africans heartbroken that the man could not see himself surviving without his wife.
The d3@th of a madala who took his life after his wife d!3d left SA in tears. Eric Ndaba doused himself with petrol after his wife, Esther, was bur!3d on 23 March. His grandson, Phandelani, went to check on him on Saturday, 30 March, and he found the gates to the house locked. He knocked, and when there was no response, he climbed over the fence.
Phandelani saw smoke coming out of the house, and after unsuccessfully knocking, the neighbours forcefully opened the door. They then found Ndaba lying on the floor, d3@d. Esther’s brother, Marcus Mahuma, revealed that Eric was depressed after his wife d!3d and struggled to cope with her loss as a result of a broken h3@rt.
Source Sunday World