Recently Zuva Habane went on to criticize Tinashe Mugabe’s wife after she was spotted wearing a cargo skirt overseas celebrating anniversary with her husband in Asia. They considered that she should have worn something fancy when she is on vacations outside the country.
However on a post seen by Tatelicious went on to defend Mai Mugabe she said Hanzi ndiko kupfeka kunoita nukadzi wemunhu musatevedzera Zuva akagocha….
Zuva Habane has since deleted the post.
Social media reactions;
Tariro T Ziteya
Vakadzi problem yedu chaizvo ndeyei? Kushama ndiko kupfeka here? Munhu anopfeka zviri comfortable kwaari better kutopfeka zvinonzi nevanhu”chibharanzi” pane kuchena wakashama ndosvotwa naShadhaya but anotaura chokwadi
Nyarie-Rose Shana
I believe everyone has freedom of choice anoda kushama ngaashame asingade kushama ngaapfeke.
Juliet Kanyumbu
The problem is when someone thinks they know how someone else should be dressing. I stay in a suburb where I see a lady jogging in a jean skirt and she is fitter than me. What matters is the jogging. I admire her. People need to get a life so they can stop meddling in other people’s business
Girlie Kirque Muguwe
Iye zuva apfeka dress Riya re white nejobho dzekwa joka dziya zvisingapindirane akuzoziva fashion nhasi