A Lagos doctor and Managing Director of Holyfill Hospital has been accused of removing a patient’s w0mb without her permission in a hospital located at Ikorodu, Lagos State.
The woman identified as Suzan Okeafor claims she visited the hospital in bid to have fibr0ids removal operat!on.
In a TV interview, Mrs Okeafor confirms she scheduled the appointment on February 1, 2024 and consulted the doctor who is also a gynaecologist on her fibr0ids battle she had been struggling with after having two children.
“He immediately suggested removing my womb. I refused, explaining that it was a single fibroid, and previous scans advised against removal because it was symptomatic, causing bleeding and pain”, she exclaimed.
However, the accused, doctor Ayelaje Joseph allegedly denied the allegations stating that the patient had given full consent to have w0mb removed.
“After the oper@tion date on March 29 the doctor casually informed me, ‘You won’t see your period again; I removed your womb.’ I was shocked and asked why. He claimed it was what we had agreed upon, but that was untrue”, Okeafor told the media.
Investigation are still underway although the v!ctim has allegedly not made any formal police report.