After years of being accused of lying about her age, socialite Hillary Makaya has finally decided to set the record straight.
Some Zimbabweans have been accusing her of downplaying her true age, with many stating that she repeatedly claims to be 23 years old every year.
In an Instagram question-and-answer session, Hillary Makaya decided to engage her followers by answering their questions. One of the most pressing topics was about her age.
One of her followers asked her if she was truly 23 years old.
“Are you really 23 years old or….?”
In response, Hillary Makaya encouraged her skeptical followers to review her past birthday posts on social media to verify if she has been truthful about her age.
“Go check out all my birthday posts from the year l joined Instagram till now, do the math and tell me what you think🥱.”
Expressing doubt, another one of her followers asked her if she was indeed 23 years old.
“Zveshuwa shuwa une23 years here?”
Responding, Hillary Makaya stated that she has no reason to lie and that she stands to gain nothing from lying about her age.
“With the way I’ve always wanted to be older than l am in my type of social scenes, Ndinenge ndichimbo nyeperei ask😂😂I’ve no reason to.. Social media ineyi chainondipa zvekuti ndinga swera ndichi nyepa makore?.