According to authorities on Friday, at least 20 Nigerian university students were k!dnapped by g_nmen who ambushed their cars in the north central area of the nation.
According to Benue police spokesman Catherine Anene, the students were ambushed on Thursday night in Benue state while traveling to the south for a medical student convention.
The att@ck took place near Benue’s Otukpo Road, a well-known abducti0n hotspot. In sections of northern Nigeria, where there is little security presence, dozens of armed groups frequently carry out k!dnappings in villages and along key roadways.
The majority of captives are only freed upon the payment of ransoms, which can occasionally total thousands of dollars. Many have also been forced to postpone road vacations due to the att@cks.
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The northern Nigerian universities of Maiduguri and Jos were the locations of the students abduct3d in Benue. Each of their student organizations denounced the ass@ults and pleaded with the police to ensure their release.
The identity of the organization responsible for the att@ck and the location of the captured individuals were first unclear. Regarding the rescue operations, there was no information from the police.
“We are devastated by this senseless act,” Ijabani Bajam, a student leader from the University of Maiduguri, said in a statement that called for the safe return of the students.