DJ Ollah 7 recently showcased his stunning new house on social media, receiving widespread praise for his hard work and success. Alongside the house reveal, Ollah offered financial advice to his followers, which sparked some controversy.
In his message, Ollah criticised the trend of people owning expensive items like the iPhone 15 while living in modest accommodations.
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He encouraged his followers to make wiser financial choices, suggesting that instead of spending $800 a month to rent in low-density suburbs, they should consider more affordable options and save money to invest in their own properties.
While some appreciated his advice, others took issue with it. Critics argued that people should be free to spend their money as they see fit and accused Ollah of acting as a financial adviser now that he has secured his own home.
Social Media Reactions:
“MuZimba kungotenga stand atove financial advisor and life coach ”
“Kana mavaka mavaka zvimwe izvo chisiyanai nazvo mkoma..congratulations welldone”
“Nice bro
But mubvunzo wangu ndewekuti akubhadhara rent ye 800 anenge achigara pai akasaibhadhara achichengetera kuvaka stand”
DJ Ollah’s Message:
Good morning, today I want to thank God first ndiye anogonesa vanhu kuita zvinoshamisa asingatarisi zera kana mhumhu. 2024 been a good year so far, Mwari akandiitirawo zvinoshamisa nekundipa simba rekuvaka musha uyo. Ndanga ndisina tarisiro muhupenyu kuti ndachasvika apa asi Nenyasha ndapasvika. Dzimba dzakadai ndaidziona ku Borrowdale nedzimwe nzvimbo dzinoshamisa asi ndakazofungawo kuvaka yangu yakadaro gore rino.
It was not easy to complete this project, it was more difficult than the previous because this one is big asi ne shungu ndakaipedza. Ndazvidzidzisa kuti in life you should have purpose first then set your self a target to fulfill the goal.
Ndinoona munhu anotanga kutenga IPhone 15 pro max kuti aonekere pavanhu asi achinorara mu 1 room, vamwewo vano roja kuma dale dale achibhadhara rent ye $800 pamwedzi nekusada kugara mu ghetto. Handingaudziri munhu zvekuita nemari yake coz it’s all about choices but that’s a big mistake. If you pay $800 a month rent multiply by 12 that’s $9600 which can buy you a stand kuti uvake but zvichanetsa coz unoda life that you can’t afford which is draining you. Ini ndakatoda mu ghetto ndichibhadhara rent ye $100 uku imwe mari yandaiwana ndichivaka musha wangu in 2017, which made it easier for me to build another one this year simply because im no longer paying rent.Vamwe vanoda kuspender more than what they have, unoenda ku restaurant inodhura kufadza Babe kutenga chikafu charisingapedze iwe wozokwereta mari ye fuel kudzokera kumba zvinoreva kuti parikushota kurongeka not mari . Enda naye kunodya re $3 kwete re 20 iwe usina, ikoko hakusi kuomera why, because kana ariye waicharoora uchaona kuti haabvume kuti muende kunodhura kana makugara mese anenge akuona nhamo yenyu asi because she’s not yet sure anoti handei kunoenderana neni kunodhura kuti urohwe mari, saka yekuita zvihombe unoiwana kupi ? Change the mindset first, no fake life yekuda kufadzana pa social media but in real life struggling. Most celebrities they want to spend much on wardrobe and appearance and renting expensive apartments but when the carrier reach the decline stage vanenge vakudzokera kughetto kwaramba. When ever you get an opportunity, grab it.