President Emmerson Mnangagwa has approved the appointment of Advocate Kingston Magaya to the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ).
He has been appointed for a three-year term with effect from 21 August 2023 to 20 August 2026.
In a statement announcing the appointment, NRZ spokesperson Andrew Kunambira said Magaya is a past board member of Air Zimbabwe, ZINARA and the Pan-African Minerals Development Company. Reads the statement:
The National Railways of Zimbabwe wishes to notify its stakeholders of the appointment of Advocate Kingston Magaya to the NRZ Board.
His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde, Dr. E.D Mnangagwa approved his appointment in terms of Section 11 (9) of the Public Entities Corporate Governance Act [Chapter 10:31] as read with Section 5 of the Railways Act [Chapter 13:09] for a three year term with effect from 21 August 2023 to 20 August 2026.
Adv. Magaya is a registered Legal Practitioner, Conveyancer and Notary Public, admitted to practice law in Zimbabwe and a Legal Advisor in Government at Director level.
He has an evidenced record in providing strategic policy leadership to State-Owned Enterprises as a past Board Member of Air Zimbabwe, ZINARA and the Pan-African Minerals Development Company.
He is a transdisciplinary legal and public sector management professional with LLBS (Hon), BSc (Hon), MSc and LLM qualifications from the University of Zimbabwe and an LLM from the Midlands State University.
He has lectured Law at Africa University and the University of Zimbabwe.
NRZ relishes on tapping into his vast experience as he has been instrumental in making good the utility of legal instruments in the regulation of transport and infrastructure related public entities, and unlocking well-structured, win-win investment opportunities and commercial transactions in infrastructure projects.
As a doyen in legal and corporate governance advice, anchored on a robust base of expertise in litigation, and commercial contracts, NRZ is poised for continued prudence in public finance management, and improved serviceability and functionality of NRZ international commercial agreements.
We have no doubt that his solid grounding in corporate governance frameworks will propel the NRZ recapitalisation agenda, with the view to refurbish and replenish NRZ rolling stock, signaling, ICT and track infrastructure; improve rail infrastructure and increase freight as well as passenger capacity in line with National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) and Vision 2030 targets.
Source Pindula News