A 53-YEAR-OLD Bulawayo man assaulted his landlord during a dispute over access to the keys to the house.
Pullen Moyo pleaded guilty when he appeared on Monday before Bulawayo magistrate, Makhelo Ncube, who slapped him with a four-month jail term that was, however, wholly suspended for five years on condition of good behaviour.
The court was told that on January 7 at 8pm, Pullen had a misunderstanding with his landlord, Nthandoyenkosi Moyo over access to the keys to the house.
Pullen wanted to go out at 4am and Nthandoyenkosi refused to give him the keys saying he would open the door at 8am.
This angered Pullen who hit Nthandoyenkosi with a plastic chair on the head several times.
Nthandoyenkosi sustained injuries on the head and was taken to hospital and a report was made to the police, leading to Pullen’s arrest.