Dear Mrs Nkomo please pass on to Mr Chivayo
I write this letter to you with a heavy heart, moyo wangu wakaremerwa nekuti I’m helpless about the situation we’re going through as a country.
I’m a health worker at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital formerly known as Harare Central Hospital popularly known as Pagomo. The situation at the hospital is disheartening, we have resorted to praying for our patients because there is no other health care that we can offer tiri incapacitated zvatiri kudai.
I don’t even know where to start. Chekutanga chipatara hachina mushonga zvachose hachina, metronidazole chaiyo hapana hama dziri kunzi dzitenge and some of them can not even afford a bottle of water for their relative who is admitted. Which brings me to the next issue,munoziva mvura yedu ye city of Harare haimwiwe for many years now and in hospital tinototi ma relative atenge mvura yekumwa.
Chipatara chikuru as Harare Central Hospital hachina mvura yekumwa in the hospital. I think we have 1 working borehole ine 1 tap ndoiri padhuze inoshandiswa nechipatara chese as a whole. So you can imagine trying to fetch water for hundreds of patients, is that feasible veduwe? We can only do so much as health workers pamwe pacho tinoremerwawo.
Another issue our autoclave machine is not working, ma dressing pack hapana nekuti mushini hausi kushanda kuti tiwane zvinhu zviri sterile. Ma dressing pack akugadzirwa oendeswa kuParirenyatwa for autoclave odzoka tozosuka nekusunga maronda asi tinozvizova kuti hupenyu hwemunhu is a race against time and resources tiri kuisa hama dzedu at risk of complications dzatisingakwanise kurapa futi nekuti ma resources hapana.
Improvisation yacho haichaite nekuti even zvekushandisa for Improvisation hapana. Tinokumbirawo kubatsirwa. We’re watching our friends and relatives die everyday nekuti we do not have resources but we know kana muchida henyu munogona kutibatsira tatambura. Chemical chaiyo Sodium Hypochlorite inoshandiswa ku cleaner midziyo yemuchipatara kuti tisatapurirane zvirwere hamuna veduwe.
Tinoziva kuti munhu anoita zvaanoda nemari yake uye tinokutendai nevamakatengera ngoro dzemoto makaita basa zvikuru makavasimudzira.Did you know that paGomo pane 3 ma ICU beds yes 3 chaiwo, munhu akauya aine condition iri kuda ICU anogona kufa asati awana mukana wekupinda imomo.2 ma Xray machine ndiwo anoshanda and arikutorwarawo zvokuti nenguva isipi anotisiya asi arikuda kubatsira hundreds of clients pazuva, kuma 11 chaiko in the morning unonzwa kuti machine wa overhearter hauchashande munhu anofa ne mismanagement nekuti mari yekuenda kuna private radiographer haana.
You can not sleep at night uchiziva kuti 3 or 4 patients died today under your care nekuti there is nothing you could do about it.Tinokumbirawo nemweya waShe dai mabatsirawo hama dziri muchipatara. Kuenda kubasa kwakutorwadza, it weighs down on your spirit kuti saka ndiri kuenda kunoitei kana sipo chaiyo yekuti ndigezese murwere hapana.
Titengereiwo mushonga,tiisireiwo ma borehole varwere vawane mvura yekunwa, tigadzirireiwo mushini we auto clave,ma xray machine, ma ultrasound scan machine, renovate our ICU department and Emergency Room. Ukapinda muER yepagomo unoona kuti muno munoshanda nyasha kwete hunyanzvi hwana chiremba kana ana mukoti nyasha dzaJehovah chaidzo.
Zviri zvema ambulance handichatotaure dai mambosvikawo paGomo. Pamwe munogona kutadza kupaziva ku Southerton, mamboonawo zvandiri kutaura nezvazvo. Takumbira tademba tibatsireiwo mukuru. Ishe vanodzorera pamatapudza.
Ndini wenyu arikuchema
Mushandi wepaGomo