Supervision is defined in many ways .The writer would like to define it as an act where one who is senior works with their junior assisting them to do the job or assignment effectively and appropriately .
The supervisor explains what is expected of the supervisee and what will be the measure of success or the indicators that the job has been done well.
Supervision is not a fault finding mission .The supervisor ought to conduct themselves professionally.There should be no ambushing of the supervisee .
As the supervisor takes the supervisee through the Supervison process there has to be an end goal in the minds of both the people involved .In this case the major thing is to get the job done well and within the prescribed time-frames .
The communication between the supervisor and the supervisee should be professional and formal .Each of the parties should get into the process without preconceived perceptions which may affect the process.
In the event that some areas are found wanting a clear way forward should be discussed by both parties and agreed with time lines as to when the review would be held.
The supervisee should be made aware of what needs to be done.Where expectations are not known or clearly spelt out frustration sets in.
For more you can get in touch with Professor Elias Chakabwata on 0732288687.
Professor Elias Chakabwata is a leadership and organizational growth expert.