Social commentator Tawona Shadaya tells ladies the types of men to avoid domestic vi0lence.In a statement seen by Shadaya highlighted the kind of man a lady should always avoid.
In his statement he said:
Ladies, to avoid ending up being physic@lly harm3d or even kill3d, you need to avoid these types of men
1. A man who is emotional, he will only end up hurt!ng or kill!ng you. Why? When emotions are high, brains cease to work. And the most active em0tion in a man is aggr3ssion
2. A man who thinks you’re above his league, he will do anything to keep you. That includes making sure no one else gets you, should you want out of the relationship
3. A man with a short temp3r, he is easily agitat3d. Intentionally start an issue to see how your man reacts when he is angry and how he solves confl!ct. Failure to do so you’ll end up in a marriage with an @buser
4. A thug or thief, that man operates with viol3nce to forc3fully get his way. What do you think he will do to you, if he fails to get his way
5. A man who loves you more than he loves his purpose. A man should fall in love with a craft/hustle/purpose before he loves a woman. It’s not romantic for a man to make you the center of his world, because the day you want to leave. He ceases to function, his world no longer exists, so he can b_rn everything
Learn OR perish!!!