In a sh0cking incident in Harare, a video surfaced showing Maloti Tsitsi walking nak3d on the road, with her br3asts exposed, after being stripped by acquaintances of Hwinza’s current girlfriend.
The altercation reportedly stemmed from Maloti’s jealousy of their relationship.
Witnesses claim that Maloti, who is also known as Hwinza’s ex-girlfriend, physically @tt@cked the current girlfriend last week.
In retaliation, Hwinza’s alleged current girlfriend’s brothers confronted her and stripped her down to almost nothing, leaving her exposed and vulnerable on the street.
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An anonymous source shared, “Maloti was allegedly disciplined today by the brothers of Hwinza’s current girlfriend. It’s difficult to see someone resort to such extreme measures, but emotions ran high after her recent actions.”
The video, which has gone viral, shows her walking down the street while appearing disoriented after the incident.
Maloti Tsitsi is no stranger to controversy. S
ources familiar with her past revealed, “We know her as Mimie, who once lived in Cape Town and was involved in crimes, including a robbery that resulted in a fatality. After fleeing to Zimbabwe, her past continues to haunt her.”
See video below: