Member of Parliament of Emakhandeni-Luveve,Descent Bajila has condemned the government’s tender system, highlighting corruption and inefficiency.
He said:
“There is a challenge around the tender systems that government is using in terms of awarding tenders to individuals and companies.
The whole public procurement system seems to have been having problems in that sense you are having the same people,companies run by the same people doing tenders with the government not delivering much.
We are aware that there was the Gwanda Zesa deal that went to comapany with Mr Chivhayo and upto today.
Whatever that was suppose to happen with that tender has not been done ,it’s one excuse after the other,it’s a one court after another,now we have your companies owned by the same person.
Having tenders to in the fields of internet ,in the fields of ICT, coming with the starlink, coming on board yet we have already old established companies in the country that has been doing this thing, the likes of Telecel, Econet, Netone and other and even others that are not in mobile phone business but are in I.C.T they are not getting these tenders but the tenders are being awarded to the same person yet the delivery are not seeing it …..”