Despite the recent incarceration of popular comedian Mai TT, the organisers of the Winter Warmer Concert remain determined to proceed with the event as planned. The concert, scheduled to take place on July 2 at Harare Gardens, will feature renowned artists such as Alick Macheso, Dorcas Moyo, and Mathias Mhere, who are set to headline the show.
Mai TT, who was initially expected to celebrate her birthday during the event, was recently sentenced to nine months in prison for theft of trust property. This has raised questions regarding the continuity of the concert. However, event organiser Samuel “Boss Werras” Saungweme confirmed that they would still commemorate Mai TT’s birthday, even in her absence.
Assuring attendees, Boss Werras stated that the show would go on as planned, emphasizing that the performing artists were still committed to the event. They intend to honor Mai TT while she is in prison and are exploring the possibility of allowing her to send a message to her fans during the concert.8
To enhance the event’s experience, additional artists such as Diamond Musica, Silent Killer, and Merciless have been included in the lineup alongside Macheso, Dorcas Moyo, and Mathias Mhere. Unfortunately, Zimdancehall artist Blot, who was arrested for drug possession, has been dropped from the concert.
Boss Werras highlighted that the Winter Warmer Concert is a family-oriented event that will begin during the day. They aim to accommodate all family setups and have planned various activities for children, ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance.