In a devastating incident in Nandyal district, Andhra Pradesh, a middle-aged couple, Subba Rayudu (45) and Saraswati (38), ended their lives after enduring intense emotional distress stemming from their son’s relationship with a transgender person.
Their son, Sunil Kumar, a 24-year-old autorickshaw driver, had been involved with the local transgender community for three years, which led to a series of family conflicts and significant strain.
The couple’s emotional turmoil was compounded by financial disputes.
Sunil Kumar had reportedly spent Rs 1.5 lakh belonging to members of the transgender community, igniting demands for repayment from his parents.
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This financial burden, combined with ongoing familial disagreements, severely escalated the couple’s distress.
According to Nandyal Sub-Divisional Police Officer P Srinivas Reddy, the situation became further exacerbated when public insults were directed at the couple by the transgender community, leaving them feeling isolated and overwhelmed.
Sunil had previously attempted suicide, which only added to his parents’ emotional suffering, creating a cycle of despair.
Authorities have since initiated an investigation into the incident, examining all facets of the familial disputes, financial issues, and the societal pressures that contributed to the couple’s decision to take their lives.
The tr@gic events have sh0cked the local community and sparked discussions regarding the profound emotional burdens that families face in such situations.
Sunil Kumar, the couple’s only child, had a promising educational background, having completed a B.Tech before taking on the role of an autorickshaw driver.
However, his involvement with the transgender community and the subsequent financial fallout led to escalating tensions within the family.