On Sunday, a tragic incident occurred in Harare, resulting in the death of a man identified as Bla Odza. He and his companion, Onias Marenga, aged 20, were brutally att@cked by a mob that accused them of ste@ling clothes. The incident took place along Highway Road in Belvedere, Harare.
According to the police, the two men were allegedly as@aulted after being accused of th3ft. The st0len clothes were reportedly loaded in a pushcart. Bla Odza sustained multiple bru_ises all over his body and lost consciousness during the att@ck.
Following the assault, Bla Odza was taken to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for treatment. Unfortunately, he was pronounced de@d upon arrival.
The police have confirmed that they are investigating the incident and have posted a statement on the Zimbabwe Republic Police’s official social media communication channel.
The police statement detailed that the mob’s attack on Bla Odza and Onias Marenga was severe, leading to Bla Odza’s critical injuries and subsequent death. The authorities are now working to gather more information and bring those responsible to justice.