A 20-YEAR-OLD man who stormed into the b3droom hut where his 69-year-old neighbour was sl3eping and att@cked her with the back of an axe before r@ping her was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Ndodana Dube (20) from village 3 Lochard in Mbembesi in Matabeleland North Province appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate Joseph Mabeza facing a r@pe charge.
He pleaded guilty. He was convicted and sentenced to serve 20 years in jail. The magistrate suspended five years on condition that Dube does not commit a similar offence within a period of five years.
Dube will effectively be locked up for 15 years. In sentencing Dube, the magistrate emphasised the aggravating circumstances surrounding the crime.
The magistrate took into consideration the fact that Dube used an axe which is a dang3rous weapon in carrying out the crime and he also thr0ttled her.
The court further noted that Dube was the v!ctim’s long-time neighbour, having stayed in Village 3 since birth.
As such the v!ctim embraced him as her grandson and grew to trust him as she would send him to do her chores.
The magistrate noted that the v!ctim was left devastated and traumatised by the ordeal.
The court additionally noted the significant age disparity between the perpetrator and the v!ctim and that the r@pe was premeditated as he went to the granny’s home during the night.
The court heard that on 19 April this year, Dube woke up during the night and armed himself with an axe, and headed to the granny’s home.
Upon getting there he found the door into the b3droom hut not locked and got inside.
The v!ctim scr3amed, but Dube grabbed her and thr0ttled her before he att@cked her on the cheek and thigh with the back of an axe. While the granny was writhing in p@in, Dube carried out the sickening @ttack.
After the ordeal, he thre@tened to k!ll her. The inc!dent was reported to the police leading to his arr3st. Siphiwe Mhlanga prosecuted.