Lots of books and journals have been written on leadership and what it entails. In this article the writer is going to define leadership as influence .
Before one can lead others he or she needs to lead self first. You can’t take people where you have never been.(Chaka 2023).
Leading self include some of the following aspects :
1 .Emotional intelligence
This is the ability to understand your emotions first and how your emotions affect others around you.It includes self awareness .Knowing what triggers joy or sadness in you .
2.Before you can lead others you need to appreciate the importance of time especially appointments .When you make an appointment with someone arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time for the meeting .This communicates that the meeting is important and it also conveys that you are respecting the other person. If for some reason you see that you can’t make it on time ,communicate at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the meeting and apologize stating that you are on your way but you shall arrive a bit late.
3.Carry a notebook whenever you are going for a meeting .
4.Learn to have a to do list where you list things according to your priority for that particular day. If you don’t do that other people will give you their programs and you neglect yours!
5.Make an effort to know people by name and correctly pronounce their names.
6.Address people using their preferred titles.
7.Dress the way you want to be addressed .
8.If someone senior to you in position /rank or age calls you for a meeting ,they are the ones who have the agenda so you sit and listen without dominating the conversation because you didn’t call for the meeting .Seek clarify where you feel you need more information otherwise use non verbal and verbal communication to show you are engaged in the meeting .
9.Put away your phone when someone is talking to you or when in a meeting .
10.Know your limits or set boundaries for yourself .Know what you can do and what you can tolerate as you relate with people.
These are some ways you can lead self and be effective in your leadership position .Leadership is not for those with clay feet.(Chaka 2023).
Leadeship requires tenacity and resilience .If you don’t want the heat stay out of the kitchen !
The writer Professor Elias Chakabwata is a leadership guru .He can be contacted on 0732288687 or www.impacttraininginstitute.co.zw